Website Under Construction-dokumentation

1. Installation

  1. Unzip the, find the wuc_configuration.php file under HPWUC/include, open it with a text editor software [1] such as Notepad++ and follow the steps below:
    1. Find the WUC_C_PASSWORD, replace the 123456789 with a strong password, one that has letters, numbers, and special characters (~!@# and so on).
    2. Find the WUC_C_SITE_OWNER_EMAIL, replace the with your own email address.
    3. Find the WUC_C_CSV_FILENAME, replace the 123456789 with something that is hard to guess, it can only have letters, numbers, and underscores.
    4. You can continue editing the rest of the options, but we recommend you to use the control panel right after uploading the files to your server for the first time, this is why you chose a password after all :)
    5. Save the file.
  2. Upload all the files to your website root directory (usually /public_html aka /www),navigate to, login with the password; once done with configuration click "Save Configuration" then click the View Website link at the very top, it'll brought you to where you can see your "coming soon" page.
  3. Make sure everything is fine and dandy (Tweets showing, subscribe & contact forms are functional etc),finally rename the index_wuc.php to index.php so the page would appear as the front page of your website :)
  4. If you need to translate the interface or modify the form messages or the header slider stuff you should edit the files under the HPWUC/language directory.



  1. Very important: Make sure the coding type of your text editor programme is set to 'UTF-8 without BOM'.
  2. Please note, any new language file you create needs a correct language code suffix (e.g. for Spanish),please refer to this page for a list of language codes
  3. Do not remove the index files under HPWUC/csv or any other index.html file in other directories, these files are meant to protect your directories.
  4. There is a blank favicon.ico file under /HPWUC which you should either replace with yours or remove.

1.1 How to import the CSV

Subscribers information goes to a CSV file under HPWUC/csv, you can download this file every few weeks and import it to your newsletter software.

Here are some instructions from two popular newsletter solutions:

Please note, Microsoft Excel is unable to handle UTF8 in CSV files properly, so you should never try to edit the CSV file with Excel if there is UTF8 characters in it.

1.2 How to upgrade

The very best way to upgrade is to use a visual comparison tool such as WinMerge, Meld, Kompare, BeyondCompare, and so on, to compare the newer version of the script against the one you are using. Using such a software, you can easily pinpoint which parts have been changed since you purchased the script and add those changes to yours while also keeping any possible modifications you have made.

Bear in mind, you need to know a little bit of PHP, HTML, and CSS in order to do an upgrade! If you do not, please either ask an expert or contact support at

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2. A little about files & folders

If you are going to customise this PHP script you will definitely need some help as to what is what and so on.

  • /HPWUC
    • /css You can keep just one style{NUMBER}.css file and the main.css indeed and delete the rest.
    • /csv Contains a CSV file which you have named through wuc_configuration.php, this file contains subscribers data.
    • /font Fontello is a custom icon font, should you need to add or remove icons you can download a new one from
    • /image Look at style1.css and style4.css to see how we have used simple media queries and several copies of resized images to save as much bandwidth as possible on smaller screen devices.
    • /include
      • /contact-form HTML markup for the contact form is here in the contact-form.php the JavaScript file contains the client-side validation and AJAX submission.
      • /subscribe-form Just the same as above, for the subscribe form.
      • /swiftmailer The awesome SwiftMailer library which handles emails.
      • /twitter-feed Twitter API v1.1 plus our own enhancements.
      • wuc_configuration.php The very only file that you must edit in order to have everything setup.
      • wuc_configuration.validate.php Validates the configuration file, really really important as we do not check the settings later in the contact form or anywhere else.
      • wuc_language.php Decides which language should be used, pulls it from the /language. Plus to this HTML markup for the language switch menu is in inside this file.
    • /javascript
      • /jquery.countdown Bear in mind we have removed the CSS file here as the main.css had every necessary thing for this plugin in terms of CSS etc.
      • /jquery.progressbar We have searched for a nice little progress bar plugin to no avail therefore we made one :)
      • /jquery.unslider UnSlider slideshow plugin.
      • jquery-1.11.min.js
      • modernizr.custom-2.7.1.min.js
      • package.js.php Contains most of the JavScript stuff and saves a lot of HTTP requests.
      • selectivizr-min.js Adds CSS3 selectors support to IE8.
    • /language Parlez-vous Français? :) create a copy of the wuc_language.en.php and rename it to and start translating the strings to French. You can also disable the language menu and enable the auto detection via the configuration file or the control panel.
    • .htaccess Adds far future expire headers and GZIP compression etc.
    • favicon.ico A blank favicon, replace it with yours or remove it.
    • index.html Prevents directory listing.
  • index_wuc.php The front page that has to be renamed index.php

3. Requirements

  • PHP 5.6 or higher with mail() function enabled.
  • PHP GD graphics library (Only required for the mathematical CAPTCHA).
  • Little bit of HTML\CSS knowledge :)

4. Troubleshooting

Not receiving any e-mail:

- Make sure you have entered a correct e-mail address in the HPWUC/include/wuc_configuration.php file.
- Check your Spam folder.

CAPTCHA not appearing

- Make sure PHP GD library is installed on your Web server.

Whole page is blank

- This often means there is a problem with some PHP code. On most shared hosting environments PHP errors are hidden by default for more security, you can contact your Web hosting provider or us :) in order to get help.

If none of the above helps, contact support at

5. Useful links

Please note, all of these tools and services are free as in "freeware".

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