Are you looking for professional WordPress services? Look no more you've just found the best! :)
WP Platinum
₱39297- HTML\PSD to WP
- WP Theme Installation
- Web Host Migration New!
- Theme Setup
- Theme Color Customization
- WooCommerce Setup
- Search Engine Optimization
- Server Performance Optimization
- Cache Optimization
- Automatic Backups
- Sitemap (HTML & XML)
- PWA Setup! (WebApp)
- Icon Design New!
WP Gold
₱28804- WP Theme Installation
- Web Host Migration
- Theme Setup
- Theme Color Customization
- Search Engine Optimization
- Server Performance Optimization
- Cache Optimization
- Automatic Backups
- Sitemap (HTML & XML)
- PWA Setup! (WebApp)
WP Silver
₱18311- WP Theme Installation
- Theme Setup
- Theme Color Customization
- Search Engine Optimization
- Server Performance Optimization
- Cache Optimization
- Automatic Backups
All the above are one-time fees, VAT incl, with no any hidden cost.
Do you have a question? We are ready to answer it.